
Hi, My Name is Ryan Wegenast. Founder and Facilitator at Golden.

Golden weaves personal evolution, creative expression, and the expansion of one's life work.

Ryan has worked with Award-Winning British Designers, Hollywood Producers and Celebrities, Web 3 Innovators, Fortune Leaders, Ivy League Schools, Artists, and Entrepreneurs.

︎ Guiding them to navigate, understand, and transform the deeper parts of themselves. Bringing their lives fullest expression forward.

︎ Teaching them how to activate, develop, and work with their higher faculties: Awareness, Perspective, Intuition, Consciousness, Energy, Expanded Knowledge, Wisdom, and Creativity.

︎ Helping them expand their life’s work through Intuitive Strategy, Creative Expansion, Leadership, Ideation, Voice, and Wealth Psychology.

Ryan is unapologetic and confident in his ability to help his clients and collaborators materialize the results wanting to emerge through their work and life by offering a path of surrender and softness.


Ryan doesn’t shy away from the truth; the subtle energies of our humanity are the key to experiencing the expression, devotion, and freedom we desire.
Golden is your bridge to a new way within and beyond.

Golden bridges worlds.

Personal  ---- Evolution

Creative ---- Expression

Work ---- Expansion


Ryan’s body of work has been developed through his Ph.D. studies in Ancient Wisdom and Western Psychology, alongside a decade of traveling the world learning and working with indigenous and modern practitioners from various cultures and schools of wisdom, healing, and creativity.

  • 10,000hrs of Facilitating
  • Ph.D. Studies Ancient Wisdom / Western Psychology.
  • MBA in Leadership Ideation
  • Training in indigenous and modern methods/therapies to heal and evolve the whole self.
  • Mentorship in expanded creativity and thinking.

Mentor, Visionary,

Working with Golden

The magic of Golden resides inside the high-touch nature and individualized process.

It begins here.
(you -> us)

Golden Clients & Collaborators

"Ryan's work was the deepest, most transformative work of my life. And this is coming from someone who’s done Landmark & Tony Robbins."
-Marshall (Web 3 Founder)

"The most clarity I've had in my life"
-David (Creator of "This is Us")

“A catalyst of growth; Ryan helped me open my heart and discover myself in magical Ways.”
 -Connie (Actress)

"Ryan has a unique approach and manner of piercing your soul. I found my way back to my heart while leading a global company. Ryan helped me materialize an exit for my company."
- Sam (Investor)

Every Golden Session Begins With A Blank Canvas of Infinite Possibility.


Work with Golden

Each Program/Service Is Based On The Rhythm Of Collaboration Ryan Knows Works.

Private 1:1 Mentorship, 3-Day Retreat, Consulting, Ceremony.
